Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Daddy works at the Beach

While we're in LA to visit Zach's family, of course, the reason we stay so long is so that Zach can get in his days working on the beach. He's still a recurrent Lifeguard for the LA County Fire Department, and to keep the job, he has to pass an annual recheck, and work about 5 days. Thankfully he was able to get work while we were down, so he's fulfilled his commitment this year.
The girls love that their Daddy works on the beach. We went to drop him off at Dockweiler one day, so we stuck around for an hour and played in the sand. I'm really quite proud of myself that I was (almost) by myself at the beach with two toddlers. I got everything and everyone packed up and back in the car safely. We didn't even need the Lifeguard to rescue us!

1 comment:

Ian said...

Little did this man know that when he worked so hard to swim fast that one day he would be holding his girls. PTL