Friday, December 26, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008

My Christmas Present

Can you guess what I got for Christmas? Here's a hint - doesn't this video look a little better than my prior cellphone clips? Yep, Zach bought me a digital video camera. The funny thing is, I also bought Zach a digital video camera! It's nice to be on the same page, or should I say frame?! Merry Christmas, everybody!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas, everyone!

The girls were all dressed up tonight for Christmas Eve service. It was the children's Mass, and they had a nativity scene complete with live baby Jesus and donkey. Constance and Victoria were so excited to wear their fluffy dresses and tights, and they were well behaved, for the most part.

After we put them to bed, Zach and I got to put together our first Christmas toys. The girls are getting trikes this year; they are pink and purple Disney Princess tricycles. We got the stockings all stuffed and the presents all wrapped. It's really a lot of fun being the parents at Christmas!

We've been getting together with lots of family this week. I have pictures, of course, and I will post them all to flickr hopefully tomorrow or the 27th. Have a blessed Christmas!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Originally uploaded by katiesgirls
So I got a flat tire yesterday. No idea how it happened; I loaded up the girls in the van Saturday morning, backed out of the driveway and noticed that the tire was completely flat. We're talking no air, falling off the rim, flat. Called roadside assistance to change the tire (no way am I doing it myself while trying to keep the girls from running into the street)

When the nice tow truck man came, the girls insisted on remaining outside in the front yard to watch him work. I took the opportunity to rake the leaves for the umpteenth time, and it was actually a fun change-up from our normal routine.

Then, Victoria ran into the house and emerged with the Goldfish box, which Zach recently cut into some sort of mask, since the girls really enjoy putting it on their heads. Victoria walked the box out to Constance, put it on her head and started cracking up. Constance loved it, trotting around and showing off for the poor guy who was much too busy changing our tire to properly recognize their comedic genius.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our Meeting with Santa

At least threre was no line. 10:15 am on a Thursday is definitely a good time to see Santa. The girls were full, rested, and very happy to be at the mall. They waved at Santa and smiled. Then we lifted Victoria up to sit with Santa. As predicted, she burst into tears.

So our photo with Santa became a family one. Nice move, Katie, wearing a hat and no makeup. Ah, well. It didn't turn out too bad, I guess. All in all, a fun morning.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

2008 Christmas Card

Originally uploaded by katiesgirls
Tonight we took photos for our Christmas Card. I know it's sort of late, but better late than never. We ordered the generic 4x8 Christmas prints from Sam's Club, so I'll pick them up tomorrow and hopefully get them addressed and sent out by Friday.

As usual, it was a total zoo trying to get a decent shot of all four of us. Zach and I have learned to just look at the camera and keep smiling, in hopes that at some point both girls will look in the same direction and the moment will be captured. It rarely happens, and we end up with a lot of images like this one. There were only two that were o.k., and neither one really captured the total cuteness of our girlies. Ah, well. They'll just have to do.

I'm still deciding whether we'll take on the other traditional photography madness tomorrow -- pictures with Santa!! Stay tuned...

Multimedia message

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Beep beep!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Daddy is at work.

This just melted my heart.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Multimedia message

9ers football!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa

Originally uploaded by katiesgirls
Ian and Vickie were in town Thanksgiving weekend. We had a really fun time together. We really didn't do much except eat leftover Turkey, hang out and play with the girls. Pretty much my ideal weekend :)

Vickie and Ian tried to get a Christmas Card photo with the girls. That's always a challenge! Perhaps that's why Zach and I haven't figured out our Christmas cards yet. As usual, more pics at flickr.

More leaves

constance in leaf bed
Originally uploaded by katiesgirls
Constance just loves the leaves. Dancing, rolling, throwing. She's just precious.


Originally uploaded by katiesgirls
Victoria climbs all over the playset in the backyard now, and she gets so excited when she figures out a new route of climbing.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Multimedia message

Woah. Lights!

Multimedia message

Daddy is my jungle gym!