Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Nursery, No Longer

It's official, the girls' room is no longer a nursery. We've graduated to "big girl beds," which aren't nearly as sweet as the matching white cribs seen in this photo. Boo-hoo, shed a tear, move on...

With my sister and brother-in-law's baby arriving pretty much at any time, I was able to trade one of my cribs with my mom, or "Glammie," as she's known around here, for a twin-sized bed with a trundle. I figure this serves two purposes: maximizing space, which is at a premium in this house, and minimizing the potential for falling out of the bed. I pull out the trundle almost all the way, but do not pop it up to full height. Toddler beds are cute, but no way am I about to shell out hundreds of dollars for two mini-beds. And I really didn't want to buy bed rails, either. Victoria would have those figured out in 2 seconds.

So far, so good, I suppose. Almost two may seem a little early to transition to the bed, and perhaps Constance could have remained in the crib. Victoria, on the other hand, had mastered the crib escape and was getting far too comfortable balancing on the headboards between the two cribs. It made me nervous. Well, as nervous as I get anyway, which is more like, "hmm, that might not be good."

Tonight will be night 4 in the bgb's. Each night has gotten progressively better. The girls love their newfound freedom so they run around their room, pull diapers out, remove all the books from the shelf, giggle and jump, but eventually they both get to sleep. Sometimes they sleep on the floor.

At least there's one plus to transitioning early: they can't open the door!


gayle said...

Love the pictures. I was wondering how you kept them in the room and then I saw the door comment. Bryson has tried to climb out of the crib once or twice but Emily caught him in time. I think she is dreading the move to a big bed. His crib makes into a small bed,so at least they don't have to buy one. Keep us posted on how this is working out and any good ideas that you may have.

ben said...

wow they can't open the door? lucky. noah's been opening doors for months and months. not looking to transition him to a bed anytime soon! :) although lucky for us he doesn't climb at all yet, knock on wood. mostly he talks and sings and screams and screeches when he's bored in his crib.

Katie said...

yeah, kind of weird, they just haven't shown much interest in doorknobs! I think the girls are not quite tall enough to turn the knob enough to open the door. I'm hoping by the time the girls learn how to open the door, they will be used to sleeping in the bgb's and won't come out all the time. One can hope.