Monday, July 6, 2009


Originally uploaded by katiesgirls
I planted late this year, but I'm finally starting to get some yummy veggies! My herbs are all still kickin' from last year: basil, chives, oregano, thyme, rosemary, sage, spearmint, and peppermint. My sugar snap peas are awesome and so cute, and the corn is about as tall as the girls now. No tomatoes yet, but starting to get lots of cucumbers. My romaine is doing ok, but my red chard is looking sad. Still waiting for my zucchini, too.

The girls love the garden. They help me water every day and they try to pull weeds, too. They got very excited over the sugar snap peas. They're a good pick-and-eat snack.


Kimmie said...

Jared wants to plant a garden in our backyard as well! I am thankful to hear the updates.

Gabrielle said...

We planted late too, mostly due to Grandmas passing. We have very few tomatoes, none ripe. Our bush beans are doing well but no regular green beans yet. We've had one zucchini, one green pepper and are getting a few cucumbers. Our herbs, micro-greens, arugula, chili peppers and strawberries are doing great though. The taste of fresh from the garden vegetables is unlike anything you could but in the store. Gardening is so rewarding. Hector has just about finished building our compost bin. I'm looking forward to getting my compost pile out of old trash cans and start composting properly!