Sunday, December 21, 2008


Originally uploaded by katiesgirls
So I got a flat tire yesterday. No idea how it happened; I loaded up the girls in the van Saturday morning, backed out of the driveway and noticed that the tire was completely flat. We're talking no air, falling off the rim, flat. Called roadside assistance to change the tire (no way am I doing it myself while trying to keep the girls from running into the street)

When the nice tow truck man came, the girls insisted on remaining outside in the front yard to watch him work. I took the opportunity to rake the leaves for the umpteenth time, and it was actually a fun change-up from our normal routine.

Then, Victoria ran into the house and emerged with the Goldfish box, which Zach recently cut into some sort of mask, since the girls really enjoy putting it on their heads. Victoria walked the box out to Constance, put it on her head and started cracking up. Constance loved it, trotting around and showing off for the poor guy who was much too busy changing our tire to properly recognize their comedic genius.


gayle said...

Cute picture! Great idea! You should send it to Goldfish, they might want to use it in one of their adds.:)

Kimmie said...

The girls are so cute. Your life seems so FULL!