Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Children's Book, "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie," is a Metaphor for My Life.

If your toddler wakes up in the morning...
She'll want to eat some breakfast.
You'll fix her some scrambled eggs, and she'll ask you for some ketchup.
The ketchup will get all over, so you'll have to give her a bath.
And put clean clothes on her.
While in her room, she'll see her books. So she'll ask you to read her a story.
After you read her favorite story for the millionth time, she'll want to play. You'll have to get down her blocks.
As she's making a royal mess of the blocks, she'll realize that she's hungry again. She'll ask you for a snack. You'll try to give her something healthy, but she'll see the goldfish in the pantry. She'll demand fish.
When she's finished eating her goldfish, she'll ask you for some milk. Then she'll want to go outside to drink it.
On the way outside, she'll spill the milk on the dining room floor. You'll step on a block running to catch her.
You'll leave the door open so you can keep one eye on your toddler while you try to tackle the mess from breakfast, dirty PJs, goldfish, blocks and milk on the floor.
You'll avert your eyes for a couple minutes and your toddler will attack the cat. She'll get scratched and start crying.
You'll feel like the worst parent in the world and get your baby cleaned up and give her a frozen gogurt to make her feel better. When she's feeling better, she'll want to go outside again. This time, you go out with her.
She'll climb into the garden bed and shove a handful of dirt into her mouth. When you ask her to spit it out, she'll spit it all over her gogurt-embellished jacket. Another bath? no, you'll just dust her off and bring her inside. She'll ask you for some lunch
You'll push aside the mess from breakfast and feed her a quesadilla and some peas. She might eat some of it. The rest will be thrown onto the floor. You realize the toddler is obviously tired, so you'll take her into her room for a nap.
She'll catch wise to the naptime routine and throw a small tantrum. So you calm her down by reading a half-dozen books. You put her down for a nap.
Finally able to take a breath, you look around your house. You have a choice here - begin cleaning up, shower, or nap. You try cleaning up, but end up falling asleep on the couch.
You've only conqured half the day; somehow you still feel like the luckiest girl in the world, because you know that tomorrow your toddler will wake up in the morning.

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